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New support ticket
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Knowledge base
General Information & Overviews
Implementation & Data Conversion
Frequently Asked Questions about the Implementation Process
Tips for Data Conversion
Glossary of Terms Used in AssociationSphere
Verification of DNS Settings
Constituent Grid Data Fields
View all 7
Module Guides
Introduction to AssociationSphere Modules
Overview of Organization Settings
Overview of User Settings
CRM Module Overview
Membership Module Overview
View all 13
Page Models
Overview of Creating Pages in AssociationSphere
Examples of Membership Pages
Examples of Event Pages
Examples of Donation Pages
Login & Technology
How do I log into AssociationSphere?
I am unable to login to AssociationSphere
How do I log out of AssociationSphere?
What types of browsers are supported by AssociationSphere?
What types of devices are supported by AssociationSphere?
View all 10
Other Services
What is an NCOA Address Update?
Organization Account Management
Account Settings
How do I manage my account settings?
What is the Account Settings page for?
How do I add or change my logo?
How do I remove the logo I currently have?
How does the software determine if a Constituent already exists?
View all 9
Social Media
How do I get to the Manage Social Media page?
How do I add a social media link?
How do I edit or remove a social media link?
Can I add more than one social media link?
Bank Information
Sub-merchant Overview & Bank Account Setup
What information can be found on the Billing page?
Where can I view my weekly transaction statements?
What is a charge back fee?
Saved Cards
Where can I find a list of all the credit cards saved for constituents?
Refund Status
Where can I find the status of credit card charges that are being refunded?
AssociationSphere User Management
Manage Users
How do I invite a user?
User Rights Overview and Access Levels
How will I know when the invited user has confirmed and is active on AssociationSphere?
How can I edit, delete, or suspend a user?
What is the difference between users with admin access and users without admin access?
View all 10
User Settings
What is the User Settings page?
What is my user name and how do I change it?
How do I change my login ID?
Can I change my login ID again if I want to?
How do I change my password?
View all 8
Grids, Dashboards, & Software Functionality
Grid Features
View and Quick Queries Side Bar
How to Search a Grid
How to use the Filter Menu on a Grid
How to use the Sort Menu on a Grid
How to Apply a Filter to a Column
View all 9
Why am I prompted to Create a Default View?
Creating a View with the View Builder
How to create a new View directly on a Grid
Editing a View
Renaming a View
View all 13
Quick Queries
Quick Queries
Clear a Quick Query
Dynamic Date Queries
Actions Overview
What can you do with the Actions Menu?
How do I create an Email List with all constituents?
How do I update an Email List?
How do I export all addresses?
How do I export all emails?
View all 15
Batch Updates
What is a Batch Update from the Actions menu?
Batch Update Records - Constituent
Batch Update Records - Transactions
Batch Update Records - Interactions
Batch Update Records - Documents
View all 6
How do I create and edit my personal dashboard?
Can I customize the graphics shown on the dashboards?
How do I print the dashboards?
How can I set a homepage?
Can I create favorite shortcuts for the workspace?
Advanced Analytics
What is the Advanced Analytics button for?
How can I edit my Advanced Analytics Pivot Tables?
Geo Search Filter
Scheduled View Reports
Email Preview and Spam Test
Other Software Functions
Sharing AssociationSphere Pages and Links
How do I manage picklists or dropdown lists?
What is a merge field?
Why do the merge fields for amounts have four decimal places?
How do I create a report?
View all 6
CRM Module
Constituents Grid
What is a constituent?
What is the Constituents page?
How do I find the Constituents page?
How can I search for a specific constituent?
Can I export constituent information?
View all 14
Managing Constituent Records
How do I add new constituent?
What is the difference between the Full & Quick tabs on the profile?
What is the difference between a contact and a company?
Can I merge two constituent records together?
What information can I transfer between two constituent records?
View all 8
Constituent Profiles
How do I edit a constituent’s profile?
How do I add a new address?
Can I edit or delete an address?
What does default address mean?
How do I add a new phone number?
View all 34
Household Records
Creating a Household Constituent Record
Adding Household Members
Editing Existing Household Relationships
Removing a Household Relationship
Household Record’s Tabs of Information
View all 7
CRM- Interactions
What is the Interactions grid?
How do I add an interaction?
How do I find the Interactions page?
Can I search interactions?
How do I see all of the interactions for just one constituent?
View all 12
My Follow Ups
What is the My Follow Ups tab?
How do I find the My Follow Ups page?
Can I have AssociationSphere email our users when their follow up is due?
CRM- Documents
What is the Documents grid?
How do I add a document?
How do I find the Documents page?
How do I see all of the documents for just one constituent?
Can I export the documents?
View all 14
CRM- Relationships
Can I edit or delete a relationship type?
How do I create a new relationship?
What if the related constituent doesn’t exist yet?
Do I have to create a relationship between an employee & employer?
How do I go to the related constituent’s profile from the relationship screen?
View all 13
CRM- Time Tracking
Time Tracking Overview
How do I get to the Time Tracking section?
How do I enter a new Time Tracking Record?
Where are the Locations pulled from?
Can a user track hours in the AssociationSphere App?
Mail Merge CRM Templates
Sample Mail Merge CRM Templates
Wealth Profiles
What are Wealth Profiles?
Running Wealth Profiles in AssociationSphere
How can I activate Wealth Profiles?
Automated Actions
Internal Notification from Event Check In
Send Internal Text Notification
Outlook/Gmail Integration
Connecting your Gmail Account to AssociationSphere
Connected your Outlook Email Account to AssociationSphere
Blocking Domains and Specific Email Addresses from Syncing
How to Sync Gmail Communication into AssociationSphere
How to sync Outlook Communication into AssociationSphere
Membership Module
Basic Membership Information
How do I run a report on my memberships?
What is a Membership?
What is a Primary Contact?
What types of memberships can I create?
What is a Group Membership?
View all 15
Membership Page Setup
What is the Membership Pages Grid?
Membership Page Overview
Membership Acknowledgement Info Tab
Membership Settings Tab
Membership Setup Tab
View all 19
Membership Grid and Purchases
How can I use the Memberships grid?
What is the difference between the Summary and Details Views on the Memberships grid?
How do I purchase memberships on behalf of a constituent?
Where can I see the people that have signed up for a membership?
Do I see membership purchases on my Transactions grid?
View all 29
Membership Attendance
What can I do on the Membership Attendance grid?
What can I do on the Membership Attendance History grid?
Mail Merge Membership Templates
Sample Mail Merge Membership Templates
What can I do on the Mail Merge GM Templates page?
Membership Auto Reminders
What can I do on the Membership Auto Reminders grid?
How do I set up a Membership Auto Reminder?
How can I see the delivery analytics for my Membership Auto Reminders?
Membership Renewal Queue
What can I do on the Membership Renewal Queue?
Membership Only Documents
Member Only Documents
Member Only Document Statistics
Member Directory & Emblems
Can member's category and committee subscriptions be shown on the directory?
Global Membership Directory
Membership Emblems
The Advanced Directory
Transactions & Invoices Module
Transactions Grid & Basic Transaction Information
What is a transaction?
What are the transaction types?
What is the Transactions Grid?
How do I add a transaction?
How do I find the Transaction Grid?
View all 23
What is the Online Payment Page and how do I create one?
How to I setup Invoice Payment Reminders?
How do I create an invoice manually?
Can invoices be automatically generated from transactions?
Can I edit the invoice?
View all 19
What is a Pledge?
What is the Pledges grid?
Can I export my Pledges?
How do I add a Pledge?
How do I find the Pledges page?
View all 33
Donation Pages
Using the Advanced Donation Page Designer
What are the steps to set up an Advanced donation page?
What are the steps to set up an Simple online donation page?
How do I create/edit a donation page?
Can I change the way the online donation form looks?
View all 23
Goal Progress
What is a Sponsorship?
How do I create a Sponsorship?
Can I delete a Sponsorship?
How do I assign a task for a Sponsorship Follow Up?
How can I update Sponsorship Follow Ups?
View all 10
What is a grant?
How do I tag an organization or constituent as a grantor?
What can I track on the Grantor Info Tab?
How do I add a Grant Proposal?
What if I have more than one grant proposal for the same Grantor?
View all 10
Mail Merge Gift, Pledge & Invoice Templates
What is a Mail Merge Template?
Where can I see Mail Merge Templates?
How do I create a Mail Merge Template?
What Mail Merge Fields are available?
How to Generate Single Mail Merge Letters
View all 12
Invoice Auto Reminders
Online Payment Pages
Managing Online Donations
What is an online donation?
Will I be notified when a new online donation is made?
How do I know a transaction was an online donation?
How does a donor make an online donation?
Can a donor make a recurring donation?
View all 14
General Transactions
What are the payment types?
Can I add a new payment type?
Can I edit or delete a payment type?
Can I change the order that the payment types appear in the dropdown box?
Could a donation or transaction be done anonymously?
View all 7
Split Transactions
What is a Split Transaction?
How do I enter a Split Transaction?
Can I split any transaction type?
How do I add a new row for a split transaction?
How will my split transaction appear on the Transaction Grid?
View all 7
In Kind Transactions
What is an In Kind transaction?
How do I enter an In Kind transaction?
Can an In Kind transaction be anonymous?
Can an In Kind transaction be a split transaction?
Can an In Kind transaction be a tribute?
View all 10
Matching Gift Transactions
What is a Matching Transaction?
How do I designate a matching transaction?
Will the Matching Transaction create a pledge for the matching constituent?
What if the matching constituent does not exist yet?
How do I see if a transaction has a matching transaction?
Tribute Transactions
What is a Tribute?
How do I designate a transaction made as a tribute?
Can I add a tribute type?
Can I edit or delete a tribute type?
Can I change the order that the tribute types appear in the dropdown box?
View all 6
Pending Transactions
How do I designate a pending transaction?
Can I add a new pending type?
Can I edit or delete a pending type?
Can I change the order that the pending types appear in the dropdown box?
How do I see if a transaction is pending?
Soft Credits
What is a Soft Credit?
How do I enter a soft credit?
How do I enter multiple constituents for soft credits?
What if the constituent receiving soft credit does not exist yet?
Can I edit a soft credit?
View all 8
ACH Payments
How do I set up ACH Payments?
How does a donor use ACH as a payment?
Events Module
General Event Information
Events Overview
Event Management Outline & Checklist
Live Event Frequently Asked Questions
Creating & Editing Events - Event Pages
How do I create a new Event?
Can I copy an existing event?
How do I edit an existing event?
What is the Event Acknowledgement tab used for?
What is the Event Settings tab for?
View all 66
Events Grid & Purchases
Where can I see the people that have registered for the event?
What is the difference between the Detail and Summary Event Grids?
How do I purchase tickets on behalf of a constituent?
Can I see event registrants on my Constituent Grid?
Do I see ticket sales on my Transactions grid?
View all 22
Event Attendance Grid
Event Attendance Overview
Can I save the view for the Event Attendance grid?
Can I check in each individual ticket?
Is there a mobile Event Attendance App?
Can I change an attendee name or the name on a ticket?
View all 15
Managing Events
Why are duplicate records formed when someone is registering for the event?
Do I have to merge duplicate constituent records at the event?
What is the difference between the mobile app, portal, and browser platforms?
Can I set up temporary AssociationSphere users to help with an event?
How do I check a guest in for an event?
View all 17
Group Assignments
Group Assignments Overview
Is there a way to only see unassigned tickets?
Can I add new Groups from the Assignment Dashboard?
Can I editing existing Groups from the Assignment Dashboard?
Will the information I add to the Group Assignment be available any where else?
View all 6
Table Assignments
Table Assignments Overview
How do I view table seating assignments in a grid view?
Can I utilize the "event assignment" feature alongside the "table assignment feature"?
Where do I find the option to enable "Table Assignments?"
Why isn't my event showing up in the table assignments dropdown?
View all 9
Event Scheduler
Event Mail Merge Templates
Sample Mail Merge Event Templates
How do I create an mail event merge template?
Event Auto Reminders
Gift Cards
How do I make gift cards available to purchase for an event?
How do I set up an event where gift cards can be used?
Event Calendar
Event Calendar Setup
Auctions Module
Auction Event Guide & Checklist
FAQs for an Auction-Event
How do I set up an auction?
Can I create an online Auction?
Acknowledgement Info
View all 19
Online Auctions
How do I collect credit cards prior to the auction-event?
How do I add a credit card to a bidder's record?
Are portal accounts for the auction created automatically?
Can bidders sign up before an online auction begins?
How do bidders sign up for the online auction at the event?
View all 34
Auction Add-ons
What are auction add-ons?
How do I record an auction add-on?
How can I record paddle raise donations using an auction page?
Are credit cards required for auction add-ons?
How do I increase or edit the auction add-on quantity?
View all 8
Traditional Paper Silent Auction
Can the software create paper bid sheets?
How do I record traditional paper silent auction bids?
Live Auctions
Can live auction items be shown online, but not allow online bids?
Can I have a mix of live and silent auction items on the same page?
How do I record the winner for a live auction item?
Can a live auction item be sold multiple times?
Auction Reporting & Checkout
Winning Bid Email Notify
Winning Bid Text Notify
Auction Payment Processing
Can I Split an Auction Item Across Multiple Winners?
What credit cards are accepted by AssociationSphere?
View all 16
Email Marketing Module
List & Contact Management
What is the Contacts Page for?
How do I find the Email Contacts or Recipient Lists page?
Can I use the same list for Surveys and Email Campaigns?
How do I add new recipients?
I am importing a new list into Email Marketing; do I have to take care of duplicates before importing?
View all 29
Overview Page
What is the Overview Page for?
How do I get to the Overview page?
Overview Page- Snapshot Tab
What is the Snapshot tab on the Overview page for?
What does each meter represent on the Snapshot view?
How can I see statistics for different campaigns that I sent through email?
Overview Page- Email Delivery Tab
What is the Email Delivery tab on the Overview Page for?
How can I see statistics for different campaigns?
What is the pie chart for?
What is the grid for?
Can I see which recipients have opened my email?
View all 11
Overview Page- Link Performance Tab
What is the Link Performance tab on the Overview page for?
What does the bar graph represent?
What is the Link Performance grid for?
How do I see statistics for links on different campaigns?
How do I know what link I am viewing statistics for?
View all 7
Overview Page- Campaign Trends Tab
What is the Campaign Trends tab on the Overview page for?
How can I view the trend for a particular campaign category?
How do I see the trend for a different email statistic (Opened, Unopened, Unsubscribed or Bounced)?
Overview Page- Monetization Tab
What is the Monetization tab on the Overview page for?
Email Template Editor
What is the “Templates” page for?
How can I narrow down the number of templates for what I am looking for?
How can I browse the AssociationSphere predesigned templates only?
Can I view only the templates that I created?
Can I sort the templates?
View all 23
Email Marketing Campaigns
What is a campaign?
How do I find the “Campaigns” page?
Can I view a campaign that I’ve already sent?
Can I delete a campaign?
Can I copy a campaign that I already did so I don’t have to change the template?
View all 25
Email Marketing Auto Responder
Surveys/Forms Module
Surveys - General
What is the difference between a survey and a poll?
How do I get to the Surveys page?
Can I have a payment option in a survey?
How do I create a payment option in a survey?
Can internal only Surveys or Forms be created?
How do I get to the Overview page?
What is the Overview Page for?
Where can I see the delivery status for my email campaigns?
How do I see the delivery statistics of this survey campaign compared to my other survey campaigns?
Where can I see what links were clicked on for an email survey campaign?
Overview Page- Snapshot Tab
What does each meter represent on the Email Delivery view?
How can I see statistics for different survey campaigns that I sent through email?
Why can’t I see all of my survey campaigns in the drop-down menu?
Why can’t I see all of my survey campaigns in the drop-down menu?
Overview Page- Email Delivery Tab
What is the Email Delivery tab on the Overview Page for?
How can I see statistics for different survey campaigns?
What is the pie chart for?
What is the grid for?
Can I see which recipients have opened my email?
View all 10
Overview Page- Link Performance
What is the Link Performance tab on the Overview page for?
What does the bar graph represent?
What is the grid for?
How do I see statistics for links on different campaigns?
How do I know what link I am viewing statistics for?
View all 7
Overview Page- Campaign Trends
What is the Campaign Trends tab on the Overview page for?
How can I view the trend for a particular campaign category?
How do I see the trend for a different email statistic (Opened, Unopened, Unsubscribed or Bounced)?
Why don’t I see all of my campaigns listed on the campaign legend?
Survey List
What is the Survey List page for?
How do I get to the Survey List page?
Can I see the questions in a particular survey without editing it?
How do I create my own survey or poll from scratch?
Can I re-use a survey or poll that I’ve already sent?
View all 8
Survey Process
What are the steps to create & distribute a survey or poll?
What do I do on the Survey Info step of the Survey Wizard?
How do I save my survey info?
What do I do on the Survey Settings tab?
Can I allow recipients to take this survey more than once?
View all 70
Survey Results
Survey Recipient List
What is the “Recipients List” page?
How do I find the “Recipient Lists” page?
What is the “All Recipients” page?
How do I find the “All Recipients” page?
What is the difference between a Basic List and an Advanced List?
View all 24
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Module
Overview & Setup
What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising?
Peer-to-Peer Overview
How do I create a new Peer-to-Peer Campaign?
What are the steps of building a P2P Campaign?
Where do I find the URL for the Participant Portal?
View all 7
Fundraising Participant Portal
How do participants sign up?
What can a participant do on their fundraising page?
Does the donor receive a Thank You message?
Where is the URL for the Fundraising Page?
Where can the participant place their fundraising page URL?
View all 7
P2P Dashboard
Where can I track the P2P donations?
Why are there two versions of the P2P Dashboard?
What will the P2P Detail Dashboard show me?
What will the P2P Summary Dashboard show me?
What can I do with the information on the P2P Dashboard?
Milestones & Badges
Volunteer Module
CRM Module - Volunteer Features
Adding volunteer constituent categories
How to manually record volunteer time
Volunteer information on the Constituent grid
CRM Module Time Tracking Grid
Volunteer Events
Creating a single-day volunteer event
Creating recurring or multi-day volunteer events
Can volunteers change or edit the shifts they sign up for?
Volunteer Module
Volunteer Module Overview
Volunteer Applications
Volunteer Time Tracking Grids
Can volunteer time be edited?
Can volunteer time be deleted?
View all 8
Mail Merge & Texting Module
Text Messaging
Incoming SMS Notifications
Reply to Incoming SMS Text Messages
Member Portal
Managing the Member Portal
Where can I find the link/URL to my Member/Constituent Portal?
What is the difference between the Basic and Advanced Portal?
Can I turn off the Access To Portal?
Can I disable the time tracking function on the the Portal?
What settings can I change on the Member/Constituent Portal?
View all 8
Manage Portal Users
Can I see who has a Portal account?
How do I invite members to sign up for the portal?
Can I reset a Portal Users password?
Can I change a Portal Users status?
How do I Manage Portal Users?
View all 11
Portal Features
Portal Features for Payments
Portal Features for Pledges
Portal Features for Events
Portal Features for Invoices
Portal Features for Memberships
View all 13
AssociationSphere Mobile App
AssociationSphere Mobile App
What is the AssociationSphere Mobile App?
VP3300 Bluetooth Credit Card Swiper Device
How to Pair a VP3300 Bluetooth Swiper with a Apple Device
Do the credit card swipers work with the desktop version of AssociationSphere?
Can I use a different swiper than the ones provided by AssociationSphere?
View all 8
Quickbooks Integration
Integration Setup
How do I give access to the Quickbooks setup and export?
How do I set up the Quickbooks integration?
How do I add accounts from my Chart of Accounts that is in Quickbooks?
How do I add my Items from Quickbooks?
How do I add my Classes from Quickbooks?
View all 6
Exporting to QB
How are the transactions created in Quickbooks?
Does the donor information get created in Quickbooks?
Does the import create duplicate customers in Quickbooks?
How do I export the file from AssociationSphere?
Can I review the transactions that are in the .IIF file?
View all 8
Quickbooks Desktop Errors
Quickbooks Online Errors
I'm a new user, how can I learn more about AssociationSphere?
What training options are available with my subscription?
How do I sign up for live weekly webinars
Are weekly webinars available to view on-demand?
Is private training available?
View all 8
Blog Posts
Helpful Articles
Sponsorship Management Features to Help Build Long Term Relationships
Step Up Your Invoicing Game
Using AssociationSphere in your Strategic Planning Process
Using AssociationSphere in Your Annual Planning Process
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk