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Transactions & Invoices Module
Transactions Grid & Basic Transaction Information
What is a transaction?
What are the transaction types?
What is the Transactions Grid?
How do I add a transaction?
How do I find the Transaction Grid?
View all 23
What is the Online Payment Page and how do I create one?
How to I setup Invoice Payment Reminders?
How do I create an invoice manually?
Can invoices be automatically generated from transactions?
Can I edit the invoice?
View all 19
What is a Pledge?
What is the Pledges grid?
Can I export my Pledges?
How do I add a Pledge?
How do I find the Pledges page?
View all 33
Donation Pages
Using the Advanced Donation Page Designer
What are the steps to set up an Advanced donation page?
What are the steps to set up an Simple online donation page?
How do I create/edit a donation page?
Can I change the way the online donation form looks?
View all 23
What is a Sponsorship?
How do I create a Sponsorship?
Can I delete a Sponsorship?
How do I assign a task for a Sponsorship Follow Up?
How can I update Sponsorship Follow Ups?
View all 10
What is a grant?
How do I tag an organization or constituent as a grantor?
What can I track on the Grantor Info Tab?
How do I add a Grant Proposal?
What if I have more than one grant proposal for the same Grantor?
View all 10
Mail Merge Gift, Pledge & Invoice Templates
What is a Mail Merge Template?
Where can I see Mail Merge Templates?
How do I create a Mail Merge Template?
What Mail Merge Fields are available?
How to Generate Single Mail Merge Letters
View all 12
Managing Online Donations
What is an online donation?
Will I be notified when a new online donation is made?
How do I know a transaction was an online donation?
How does a donor make an online donation?
Can a donor make a recurring donation?
View all 14
General Transactions
What are the payment types?
Can I add a new payment type?
Can I edit or delete a payment type?
Can I change the order that the payment types appear in the dropdown box?
Could a donation or transaction be done anonymously?
View all 7
Split Transactions
What is a Split Transaction?
How do I enter a Split Transaction?
Can I split any transaction type?
How do I add a new row for a split transaction?
How will my split transaction appear on the Transaction Grid?
View all 7
In Kind Transactions
What is an In Kind transaction?
How do I enter an In Kind transaction?
Can an In Kind transaction be anonymous?
Can an In Kind transaction be a split transaction?
Can an In Kind transaction be a tribute?
View all 10
Matching Gift Transactions
What is a Matching Transaction?
How do I designate a matching transaction?
Will the Matching Transaction create a pledge for the matching constituent?
What if the matching constituent does not exist yet?
How do I see if a transaction has a matching transaction?
Tribute Transactions
What is a Tribute?
How do I designate a transaction made as a tribute?
Can I add a tribute type?
Can I edit or delete a tribute type?
Can I change the order that the tribute types appear in the dropdown box?
View all 6
Pending Transactions
How do I designate a pending transaction?
Can I add a new pending type?
Can I edit or delete a pending type?
Can I change the order that the pending types appear in the dropdown box?
How do I see if a transaction is pending?
Soft Credits
What is a Soft Credit?
How do I enter a soft credit?
How do I enter multiple constituents for soft credits?
What if the constituent receiving soft credit does not exist yet?
Can I edit a soft credit?
View all 8
ACH Payments
How do I set up ACH Payments?
How does a donor use ACH as a payment?
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