Volunteer events can be created to support a single activity, like a gala, race, or golf tournament, or they can be recurring events that happen on a regular basis, like office work, gift shop sales, meal delivery, or tutoring. You will create the event using the Event Pages in the Events Module. This article only covers the specifics related to volunteer events. To learn more about creating all types of events see these support articles:  https://support.associationsphere.com/en/support/solutions/folders/67000454073 

For a recurring or multi-day event, on the Event Settings tab of the Event Page editor, you will complete the Time & Date and Notifications sections.  Because you can edit the days available using the Schedule tab, you may want to consider limiting the duration for your recurring event to a few months. This will also limit how far in advance volunteers can sign up for their shifts.

Under the Financial Information section, the event will be marked as free event by toggling the Free Event button to YES.

If you would like to use the Volunteer Module's Scheduler, toggle Show on Scheduler to YES.

Continuing filling out the Event Settings page as desired and proceed to the Ticketing section.

  • Toggle Display Quantity to YES to show how many positions are available on any day.
  • To activate a calendar and shopping cart feature, toggle Recurring Event to YES.
  • You can customize the label of the shopping cart under the Shopping Cart Caption.
  • If you want volunteers to be able to sign up for only one shift per day, toggle Allow only 1 ticket level/day to YES.
  • The Generate only 1 ticket feature can be marked YES if you want to enable a multi-day registration feature. 
  • The multi-day registration feature allows volunteers to select a level, then choose the days to participate instead of using the standard calendar where the day is chosen first, then the level.
  • Multi-day registration can also be restricted for internal use only, meaning that feature would only be visible to DonorView users who are logged into DonorView and using the same browser to view the page. Toggle Internal Only to YES to keep the multi-day registration hidden from the public view.

At the bottom of the page in the Advanced Settings section, mark the Volunteer Event toggle to YES. Click Save & Next to continue to the Event Set Up tab.

In the Event Setup tab, you will be able to add the different volunteer activities and shifts by clicking on+Add Level

  • Add the details about the shift and activities to be performed in the Description field. 
  • With the event marked previously as a free event, the Price, Non-Refundable Fee, and Tax-Deductible Amount fields are not available. 
  • You'll enter the quantity of spots available in the Qty Avail. field.
  • In the Level Purch. Limit field you can limit how many registrations can be made for this level. You should enter "1"  if you do not want your volunteers to sign up for anyone other than themselves. If you want to allow people to register more than one person one the same form, you can enter a maximum number or leave blank for unlimited additional volunteers.
  • In the # of Attendees per Purchase field, you typically enter "1" to indicate that each registration is for a single person. 
  • You enter the shift times in the Start Time and End Time fields, and identify what days that level is available in the Days Available field. 

  • You can also assign volunteers automatically to a Constituent Category and Subscribe to Email List in those fields. 
  • If you would like to restrict who can sign up for a specific level, you could also add an access code by toggling Use Access Code to YES.  

If you would like to automatically assign volunteer hours when the volunteer is checked in to the event, you can provide Time Tracking Defaults under that tab. 

  • Toggle Create time tracking on check in to YES.  
  • You can assign the Service Categories as desired.
  • By default, you would need to check in and check out the volunteer on the Attendance grid to calculate the number of hours and minutes they worked.
  • If you prefer to pre-populate the service time just based on checking in, toggle the Use level start & end time to YES to used the Start Time and End Time entered in the Level Info. You also can just enter the Hours - Minutes - Dollar Value to pre-populate those times.
  • Click Update to save the information.

Multi-day and recurring events will activate a new tab called Schedule. This tab allows you to customize the number of positions (tickets) available on any given day. For example, if you have a recurring event that will happen over several months and there is a holiday in that time frame when your organization will be closed, you can customize how many spots are available. This grid can be filtered and sorted like other grids in the software. The example below shows that the organization will be closed for Independence Day on July 4th. Clicking on the # of Tickets on that day, you can reduce the number of spots available to 0. On any given day, you can reduce the number of spots available, but you cannot increase them. Click on Save changes to save the schedule.

If you need to capture any specific questions or if you allow volunteers to sign up for others, you can toggle Capture Attendee Info to YES on the Attendee Info tab. Note that if you do NOT allow volunteers to register for other people, you may not want to activate the Attendee Info since the registrants will be asked to fill their name and email address for each shift they register for. Click Save & Next when complete.

You can continue customizing the style and thank you message. On the registration page, under the Single Day Select option, the volunteer chooses the day on the calendar to reveal what shifts (levels) are available on that day. They can continue selecting days and levels and each is recorded on the bottom of the page. When finished, the person completing the form will enter their information at the bottom of the page and click Submit to complete the registration.

If you activate the Multi Day Select, instead of seeing a calendar, the registrant will select a shift (level) and then see all the days available. If you have a very long time frame, the registrant may need to toggle through the pages or edit the From and To fields. The registrant would UNCHECK any of the days they did not wish to register for. When finished, the person completing the form will enter their information at the bottom of the page and click Submit to complete the registration.

Volunteers will receive a thank you email with a list of the levels they have registered for. Registrants and attendees for volunteer events can be viewed and managed in the Events Module as well as the Volunteer Module.