If event attendees are added during registration using the Attendee Info questions, the software will attempt to match them to existing constituents. If existing constituent records are not found in the database, new constituent records will be created. This allows you to communicate directly with event attendees, not just the person or organization that registered them for the event. 

If you do not wish the guests to become constituents in the database, you can turn off the "Capture Attendee Info" on the Attendee Info tab so that you will only collect the name and contact information of the purchaser. The purchaser can still purchase multiple tickets, however the purchaser's name will be the only one that appears on the Event Attendance grid. 

Leaving the "Capture Attendee Info" field as "NO" and will not allow you to use the Table or Event Assignments features.

If you would like to include the guest's names somewhere, there is a field called Attendee Notes on the Event Attendance grid which could be used to enter a guest's name and they will not become constituents in the database. This field is editable using the edit icon on the left side of the Event Attendance grid.