The Membership Directory tab is the fourth set in the membership page set up and allows you to share information about your members with the public or with other members of your organization/association.  There are two version of the directory and using the settings on this page you are able to customize both versions. The two versions are call the “Public Directory” and the “Member Only Directory”.


The ”Public Directory” is meant to be shared with everyone and can easily be embedded on to your website or elsewhere online. Before publishing this directory there are some settings that you will need to be aware of. Please see the descriptions of those fields below:


Online directory requires authentication? - When set to YES, this field will require the user to be logged into the Portal before they are able to access the membership directory. In other words this will eliminate the directory being public as only those with a portal login and an active membership will be able to access the directory.


Allow members to exclude from online directory - When set to YES, a member can select to exclude themselves from appearing on the membership directory during when submitting their membership transaction. Please note that you a internal user can also exclude members from the directory at a later time by editing their membership transaction.


Allow portal users to send direct emails - When set to YES, Constituents with an active membership will be able to send direct emails through the private Member Only Directory within their Portal Account.


Show Committees on online directory – When set to YES, this field will allow for Constituent Committees to appear on the membership directory to allow for people to filter the results using those Committees.


Use Display for Membership Level – When set to YES, this will allow you to select by field which Members Levels this information should display for. This setting will only apply for the List View version of the Membership Directory but will allow you to customize what information is shared based on what Membership Level a member is enrolled in.


After the completion of those setting you will come to dropdown titled, “Public Directory Layout”. This picklist will allow you to select how the member information should be displayed on the Public version of the directory. Your options are “List View”, which is the default and “Card View”. The List View will display data on a standard filterable grid while the Card View will display the data on a business card like design. Based on your selection for this field the options below will change and if you also have turned on the “Use Display for Membership Level” setting above you will see another different set of settings.


Below is a breakdown of the different Directory display options and settings based on your selections for the Public Directory Layout and Use Display for Membership Level settings.


Option 1

Public Directory Layout: List View

Use Display for Membership Level: NO


Based on the settings above you will be able to customize which fields of data are displayed on the two directories.


Sort Order - This column will allow you to drag and drop the fields to create the order they will appear in on the membership directory.


Field Name - This column shows the name of the field that can be displayed on the membership directory.


Show Online to Public - In this column, you can checkmark which fields would be visible to the anyone not logged into their portal account and views the Public Directory.


Show on Authenticated Portal - In this column, you can checkmark which fields would be visible to anyone who is logged into their portal account and views the Member Only Directory.


Option 2

Public Directory Layout: Card View

Use Display for Membership Level: NO


Based on the settings above you will be able to customize which fields of data are displayed on the two directories. Please note that although listed as a field for the Public Directory it may not be a field that is available for the Card View. Examples of fields not available for the Card View are, “How did you hear about us, Company Industry, Company Tags, Woman Owned?, Minority Owned?, Full Time Employee Count and Part Time Employee Count”.


Sort Order - This column will allow you to drag and drop the fields to create the order they will appear in on the membership directory.


Field Name - This column shows the name of the field that can be displayed on the membership directory.


Show Online to Public - In this column, you can checkmark which fields would be visible to the anyone not logged into their portal account and views the Public Directory.


Show on Authenticated Portal - In this column, you can checkmark which fields would be visible to anyone who is logged into their portal account and views the Member Only Directory.


Option 3

Public Directory Layout: List View

Use Display for Membership Level: YES


Based on the settings above you will now see two tabs titled, “Public Directory” and “Member Only Directory”. The settings on each of those tabs will allow you to customize which fields of data are displayed on the two directories by selecting for which Membership Level(s) each field should be displayed for.


Sort Order - This column will allow you to drag and drop the fields to create the order they will appear in on the membership directory.


Field Name - This column shows the name of the field that can be displayed on the membership directory.


Display for Membership Level - In this column, each row will have a picklist for you to select which Membership Level or Levels that field should be displayed for. You can choose “All Levels” if you want every membership to have that field of information displayed or you can select the specific level name or names that you want that information displayed for. You can also make no selection and which will cause that field to be hidden from the List View.


Switching to the “Member Only Directory” tab you will then have the same exact options.


Option 4

Public Directory Layout: Card View

Use Display for Membership Level: YES

With the Card View selected you will see two new toggle settings displayed:


Hide Company Primary Contact – When set to YES, for Company Memberships the contact information for a the Companies Primary Contact will not be shown. Instead the contact information directly listed on the Company’s Profile.

Hide Profile Image -   When set to YES, the profile image for each constituent record will not be displayed on the Membership directory. This setting is ideal if you do not collect Profile Images.


After completing those settings you will see two tabs, “Public Directory” and “Member Only Directory”. The Card View will only be available for the Public Directory”. On the Public Directory tab you will see a list of Field Names available to be displayed on the Card and column called, “Display on Card” with a Checkbox on each row so that you can select whether each field should or should not be displayed. A checkmark will display the field while no check will hide that information.


On the far right you will see a preview of what the Member’s Card will look like front and back and you can toggle between “Individual” and “Company” to see how the different Constituent’s records will show.


Switching to the “Member Only Directory” tab you will then have following options:


Sort Order - This column will allow you to drag and drop the fields to create the order they will appear in on the membership directory.


Field Name - This column shows the name of the field that can be displayed on the membership directory.


Display for Membership Level - In this column, each row will have a pick list for you to select which Membership Level that field should be displayed for. You can choose “All Levels” if you want every membership to have that field of information displayed or you can select the specific level name or names that you want that information displayed for. You can also make no selection and which will cause that field to be hidden from the List View.

Once you have completed all the settings click the "Save" or "Save & Next" button to save those settings and move to the Membership Styling tab.